About us

Focus on Reproduction (FoR)

Welcome to Focus on Reproduction, the exclusive news and activities platform reserved for ESHRE’s members. Learn about the latest reproductive science, stay updated with ESHRE’s activities, and explore engaging people stories – all in one place. Our dedicated editorial board ensures consistent delivery of high quality content. Enjoy a rewarding experience with insightful reading, compelling visuals and enriching audio content.

Mission Statement 

Focus on Reproduction aims to provide ESHRE members with a comprehensive platform, informing professionals in reproductive health, amplifying diverse insights, inspiring our community and fostering its connections through sharing ideas. 


At Focus on Reproduction, we are dedicated to being the premier source of up-to-date information in reproductive medicine. Our commitment extends to delivering insightful articles that meticulously cover breakthroughs, research findings and emerging trends. By prioritising accuracy and relevance, we aim to keep our members at the forefront of the rapidly evolving landscape of reproductive science. 


Our mission involves not only informing but also amplifying diverse perspectives, ideas and experiences within the field. Through the sharing of these insights, we actively foster collaboration and cross-disciplinary discussions. By providing a platform that values varied viewpoints, we contribute to the advancement of reproductive medicine, creating a robust and inclusive environment for our members. 


Focus on Reproduction seeks to inspire by bringing forth the stories and perspectives of the ESHRE community. In highlighting the achievements, challenges and dedication of our members, we aim to inspire and motivate peers. These narratives serve as a testament to the collective excellence within ESHRE, encouraging a sense of pride and shared purpose.  


We are not just a platform; we are the architects of connection. Focus on Reproduction actively promotes the creation of an ESHRE community where members can contribute meaningfully. Through sharing ideas, writing articles and engaging in thoughtful commentary, we facilitate the building of professional connections, encouraging a vibrant exchange of knowledge within the expansive realm of reproductive healthcare.